Which roles does TiO2 play in White Masterbatch?
What is titanium dioxide an excellent white pigment used in? Titanium dioxide is a white pigment, the first pigment produced in the world, most widely used for its brightness and very high refractive index in a very broad range of applications including paints, inks, plastics, paper, fibers, ceramics, food and cosmetics, etc Titanium dioxide…
Read MoreWhite Masterbatch: The Key to Brightness, Durability, and Versatility in Plastic Production
WHITE MASTERBATCH 1. General definition of White Masterbatch White masterbatch is a masterbatch additives which concentrated mixture of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2), carrier resin and various auxiliaries. It is used in the plastic industry to impart a white color to various plastic products during the manufacturing process. The main colorant is Titanium Dioxide with…
Read MoreUnlocking the Versatility of PE Wax: Applications Across Industries
At US Masterbatch, we understand the vital role that polyethylene (PE) wax plays in various industries. With its low melt viscosity, high melting point, and excellent chemical resistance, PE wax is an indispensable additive. Let’s explore how it enhances different applications. 1. Plastics Industry PVC Processing PE wax serves as an external lubricant in PVC…
Read More什么是塑料挤出?工业生产中的关键工艺
什么是挤出? 你还记得小时候把橡皮泥塞进红黄相间的玩具里,挤出一根像星星或花朵一样的“绳子”吗?好吧,这定义了挤压:一种用于创建具有固定横截面轮廓的对象的过程。常见的挤压材料包括金属、聚合物、陶瓷、混凝土、橡皮泥和食品,如通心粉和奶酪泡芙。在这里,我们将重点关注塑料挤出的高产量使用,以形成我们日常使用的塑料部件以及用于工业和医疗过程的塑料部件。 先进制造中的塑料挤出不是简单地选择不同的颜色来推动几种基本形状……定制塑料挤出可以结合先进材料的特性,使塑料管材或塑料零件具有特定的性能特征,并且可以形成多腔管材或复杂的型材适用于商业、工业、食品加工、过滤、汽车、军事和医疗/制药行业的广泛应用。 挤出过程首先将塑料材料(颗粒、颗粒、薄片或粉末)从料斗送入挤出机的机筒。通过转动螺杆和沿机筒布置的加热器产生的机械能,材料逐渐熔化。然后将熔融聚合物压入模具(通常是带有切口或孔的金属圆盘),将聚合物成型为在冷却过程中硬化的连续形状。挤出过程中的每一步对于确定最终产品的性能特征都至关重要。挤压的科学和艺术依赖于经验和广泛的质量控制,使用温度、速度、力、张力和时间因素来创造一致的产品。 挤出生产塑料产品,如排水和灌溉管、医用流体和输液管、挡风雨条、围栏、甲板栏杆、乙烯基壁板、窗框、家居装饰和家具装饰、汽车部件、电器装饰和密封件、过滤部件、吸管、可重复密封袋上的“拉链”条、食品加工管道和导轨、塑料薄膜和薄片、热塑性涂层、电线导管和电缆保护器以及电线绝缘层。 研发不断扩大塑料挤出产品在医疗器械、航空航天和回收利用方面的优势。挤出在制造中的一个优点是可以以高产量连续生产具有一致性形状的产品,然后将其卷绕用于需要连续产品的应用,例如管材挤出、管材挤出或薄膜;或零件被高精度切割成各种长度,以满足各种用途的需要。二次操作,例如钻孔或进一步整形,增加了功能。 柔性和刚性塑料可以通过挤压成型。如果需要两种或多种材料来制造产品,则使用共挤出工艺。例如,共挤管可以具有内部硬化管,电缆可以与柔性外层一起穿过该硬化管以保持可操作性。一根有两种颜色条纹的白色吸管,总共需要三台挤出机来制造。每个挤出机将不同材料或相同材料的变体进料到中央共挤出模具中。共挤还可以通过在扶手、栅栏和其他应用的原始材料中使用回收和重新研磨的废料来降低成本。事实上,挤压的第一个工业用途是在 1820 年,当时 Thomas Hancock 发明了一种回收橡胶废料的工艺。 我们为整个美国提供塑料挤出服务。下订单,我们可以将其运送到您需要的任何地方。我们将亲自与您合作,以确保您的订单在第一时间得到正确设计、挤压和运输。
Read MoreUS Compound Flexible PVC Compound
Contact our sales reprensatives for TDSFlexible Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Compound Introduction US Compound flexible PVC is a cost-effective PVC compound to make flexible products. These compounds provide flexible PVC from 35 to 90 Shore A durometer to semi-rigid, with specific gravities ranging from 1.15 to 1.71. We use various types of compound additives to promote…
Read MoreUS Compound Rigid PVC Compound
Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Compound Introduction US Masterbatch JSC offers a complete line of weatherable and non-weatherable rigid PVC products to meet a wide array of application needs. Experience the exceptional quality of US Compound rigid PVC, designed to meet the highest standards. Our rigid PVC compound boasts: Highly Impact Resistant: Built to endure the…
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