
A team of professional & dynamic

Mix between experienced manager and young-motivated. We bring a fresh approaches high motivated, using time-saving shortcuts and formulas to create a great Product-Market Fit.

  • Multiple languages: English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian…
  • Graduated in the top 3 highest ranking university in Vietnam.
  • Dedication and commitment our customers expect thanks to extensive experience, high level of technical knowledge, enthusiasm, creativity.

A. Visionary Leadership and Professional Management

  • A Mix between experienced managers and young-motivated. We bring fresh approaches high motivated, using time-saving shortcuts and formulas to create a great Product-Market Fit.
  • We are professionally managed by our highly experienced promoters,who are technocrats with strong leadership and entrepreneurial vision, ably assisted by an eminent Board of Directors.
  • We are run by highly motivated, technically qualified professional managers.


B. Skilled Human Resources

  • Passionate about solving customer problems.
  • Empowered to make decisions that create value for our customers-beyond their expectations.
  • Well-trained, well-educated, energetic, experienced, devoted to plastic industry and is capable of doing any specific work in a balanced way and efficiently skilled-includes high qualified Polymer engineers with the latest technical know-how and innovative abilities.